Table of Contents
There is presently work underway defining methodology for conveying confidentiality codes and obligations electronically for medical records. These use cases illustrate real world situations that motivate this work.
The distinction between confidentiality requirements and obligations is acknowledged to be vague and somewhat arbitrary. For the purpose of the use cases all potential categories will be called confidentiality. A typical problem with categorization is the Massachusetts law stating that psychiatric records may not be transferred without a specific written authorization signed by the patient or guardian. That’s a direct legal requirement. Does that result in those records being given a confidentiality class or obligation class?
All these requirements also apply to paper records and must be handled by manual efforts. So in theory, electronic transfer could simply replace the paper shipment and all of the manual confidentiality efforts continue.
This is not practical. The manual efforts are so burdensome and insecure that most practitioners choose not to exchange records. Using a plain electronic transfer would greatly increase the insecurity. It’s much easier to copy and send electronic records than it is paper records. Without electronic assistance managing the confidentiality process the practitioners would be justified in using ethical and legal arguments to refuse all electronic transfers of records.
These use cases are informed by current practices and law suits over failures of the current manual systems. For a useful current reference see
In all of the use cases there is a common problem to be solved. A psychiatrist not in a Federal agency wishes to send medical records about a patient to another psychiatrist not in a Federal agency. The legal requirements when Federal agencies are involved are presently in dispute and the court cases are active. These use cases intentionally avoid those cases only to avoid the uncertainty in legal requirements.
The present paper situation requires the recipient practitioner to figure out what confidentiality requirements apply to the received documents. This is a signification natural language processing and legal evaluation problem. The human psychiatric staff has the training and skills to do this. It is not practical to expect the receiving computer system to have that level of natural language processing and AI legal skills.
The transmitting computer system normally has internal confidentiality codes for all documents. This is a required component for medical systems. It does not require either natural language processing or AI skills for the sending system to convey the local confidentiality codes. The use cases show how the combination of the sending system providing it’s local codes together with reasonable processing on the receiving system the receiver’s confidentiality problems can be solved without needing natural language processing or legal AI systems.
These use cases all start with a New Mexico psychiatrist sending electronic psychiatric records to another psychiatrist. The four use cases differ in the destination for the medical records:
- Use Case A
- A New Mexico destination. This is the most common case and illustrates a situation where both the sender and receiver have the same confidentiality regulations.
- Use Case B
- A Massachusetts destination. This is less common and illustrates crossing some, but not all, jurisdictional boundaries. In this case the state regulations are different in New Mexico and Massachusetts, but the Federal regulations are the same.
- Use Case C
- A Toronto, Ontario, Canada destination. In this case all jurisdictional boundaries have been crossed. But there is enough cross border activity that it is likely that the receiving system is aware of the US Federal regulations, although likely unaware of the state regulations.
- Use Case D
- A Delft, Netherlands destination. In this case all jurisdictional boundaries have been crossed, and the receiving system is unlikely to understand any of the sending system’s requirements.
This has the simplest legal situation. This transfer is subject to the following requirements:
45CFR164 |
This is also known as HIPAA. It applies to all medical records. |
45CFR164.501 |
There are special HIPAA requirements that apply to only psychiatric records. |
42CFR2 |
This regulation applies to substance abuse records. Substance abuse is a common co-morbidity with psychiatric issues, so this often applies. |
32A-6A-24(H)NMSA1978 |
New Mexico has a law that applies to all psychiatric and substance abuse related records. This is the resulting regulation. |
In addition, 42 USC 290dd-2 applies at least in part. This US law states that when state regulations are stricter than the Federal HIPAA regulations, the state regulations shall override the Federal regulation. This leads to legal complexities and problems with interpretation, which is why these use cases avoid involving US Federal agencies. There are active court cases ongoing to deal with these legal issues. See
As mentioned above, the sending side could indicate nothing and make this a substantial natural language processing and legal AI problem.
I suggest that the sending system would attach the list of applicable regulations as metadata about the records. It is reasonable for it to attach all the regulations that the sending system knows apply. So the sending system would attach metadata indicating that the following apply:
- 45CFR164
- 45CFR164.501
- 42CFR2
- 32A-6A-24(H)NMSA1978
This list includes both 45CFR164 and 45CFR164.501 because this avoids an AI problem for the receiving side. An AI system might be aware that 45CFR164.501 implies that 45CFR164 also applies. There is no simple general case rule for regulatory implications. Only an AI-class system with a complete awareness of regulations could handle all the real world complexity. It’s easy for the sending system to include both.
This situation is easy. The receiving system is also in New Mexico and it will recognize all of the confidentiality codes. It can simply apply the appropriate internal tags to manage these records.
The New Mexico regulation is stricter than 45 CFR 164.501 regarding authorization and transmission requirements. The code 32A-6A-24(H)NMSA1978 has two merged meanings. It means both that the sending system is asserting that it has met the legal requirements for authorizing transmission, and informing the receiving system that the receiving system must attach those requirements to these documents.
I think that this is reasonable, since a properly performing sending system will not send any 32A-6A-24(H)NMSA1978 records without proper authorization. Splitting this information into two codes has no apparent value.
When the recipient is a Massachusetts psychiatrist the following laws and regulations show up:
- Mass. G.L. chap. 214 sec 1B
- This Massachusetts law applies to all business and social interactions. It makes a privacy violation that causes harm into a tort. There are no regulations to implement this. It’s only handled through tort claims and trials. See for example:
- Mass. 201 CMR 17.00
- This regulation implements Massachusetts General Law 93H. It imposes a variety of regulations on all business relationships involving personal information. Medical records are subject to this rule, and this rule is stricter than HIPAA.
- Mass. G.L. chap 112 sec 129A
- This law and regulations applies to all psychiatric records. It requires that all transfers have a specific written and signed authorization by either patient or guardian. It has no exceptions for treatment, etc., so this is stricter than 45 CFR 164.501.
Dealing with incoming psychiatric records can inspire software engineers to run down a rathole of expensive and complicated software solutions. The psychiatrists typically take a simpler less costly approach:
- All direct electronic transmissions are prohibited, and prevented or rejected.
- All records are transferred by courier on media. The media might be paper, USB, or CD. The media must be accompanied by the signed written authorization document. If this document is missing the media will not be processed and a breach report is usually generated. (In this case of a New Mexico source a human judgement will likely be made whether a breach report is appropriate.) Similarly, MA 201 CMR 17.00 requires that electronic media be encrypted. If it is not encrypted, a breach report is generated.
I expect the following processing steps by a receiving system:
- There will be a user interaction with the operator to ask for the decryption information (e.g., password) and to ask whether there is a psychiatric records transfer authorization along with the media. It’s possible that there might be only non-psychiatric records on media, so the answer might be that there is no psychiatric authorization attached.
It will start processing the metadata for the records.
- It sees the 45CFR164 tag, understands it, and tags the records internally to reflect this. 45CFR164 applies and is understood in Massachusetts. It also adds the tag MA201CMR17.00, because that automatically applies.
- It sees the 45CFR164.501 tag, understands it, and checks whether the operator said that a psychiatric authorization accompanied the media. If there was no authorization, alarms go off. I don’t know what the processes will be for out of state transfers without authorization. The receiving psychiatrist will have procedures for what to do in this case. It also adds the tag MA.GL112s129A, because that applies.
- If 42CFR2 is present, it understands the tag, and tags the records internally to reflect this.
It sees 32A-6A-24(H)NMSA1978 and a different alarm goes off. A MA system will probably ask the operator: "what should be done with 32A-6A-24(H)NMSA1978?" At least the following possibilities exist:
- It’s OK, just copy that tag into the internal system
- It’s redundant, remove the tag
- Replace it with this other code that a Massachusetts system will understand.
- Keep it and add this other code.
- Keep it and mark this record for later review. A human will have to research the tag and decide what fix is appropriate.
- Reject this document. A human will have to deal with the issue.
- Reject this entire transmission. A human will have to deal with this issue.
The recipient in Toronto, ON, Canada will have a process similar to that of the Massachusetts recipient. In this use case it’s assumed that the Toronto system has enough interactions with US patients to be aware of the US Federal regulations. It’s much less likely to be aware of New Mexico state regulations.
So the process is like the Massachusetts process with the exception of the processing of the US Federal regulation tags. The Toronto system might copy them along for informational purposes, but in addition it will add the codes for Ontario provincial and Canadian national regulations that apply to medical records and psychiatric records. It probably recognizes the CFR tags and can do this automatically.
A psychiatrist in Delft, Netherlands might get the psychiatric records from a New Mexico psychiatrist, but this will be a rare event. The Delft system is unlikely to recognize any of the confidentiality codes automatically.
This leads to the conclusion that in addition to the very specific regulatory codes the generic codes from HL7 (or some other international source) should be attached. An HL7 code of PSY conveys much less information about expectations than 45CFR164.501, 32A-6A-24(H)NMSA1978, MA201CMR17.00, or MA.GL112s129A. But it provides a good hint to the human who is dealing with the issue. Google searches will quickly reveal the regulatory intent.
The laws of the US, Massachusetts, and New Mexico do not apply in Delft, but there are Dutch laws that are applicable to psychiatric records. The generic tag can inform a human where to look for more details. They may look up the other tags to see whether they provide more information, and they may have to read the medical records to determine whether there are other Dutch regulations that will apply to the records.
At worst, without the generic tag, the problem is the same as the present situation when a paper document arrives. A human has to deal with the natural language and legal expertise problem. The generic tag and sending system tags can simplify the problem for the human who has to deal with this situation.
Edit: Fixed typo in MA law for psychiatric records.